Melissa in the Waterfall

The trip out west left me re-energized for photograph like I’d not been in a while.  I’d taken a break from shooting for several weeks including all of May as I’d mentioned in an earlier post.  When I started back with the shoot with Ginger I just felt more into the shoots, more engaged with the models I collaborated with, and clearer on what I wanted to accomplish at each shoot.  One part of this was a willingness to try some things and work without a plan as much.  Generally before an outdoor shoot I’ll scout the location several times to establish locations and spots.  I found myself more open now to just going out and seeing what we came across in the process.  It’s not something I would do with any model, but there are ones that I know it would work.

That’s how Melissa Troutt and I found ourselves exploring a new location on a hot day in late June.  These were the worst days of a heat wave in the south with temperatures setting daily record highs.  This day would be one of the hottest reaching around 105 degrees at my home.  Even in the western North Carolina mountains around 3,000 feet temperatures climbed well into the 80s.  That elevation and the wood cover probably cooled it at least ten degrees over Asheville.

Our first spot was a nice wooden bridge where I got a wonderful headshot of Melissa.


Our first exploration from here came to a bit of a dead end, but still found photo I liked in a bit of a dreamy style.


And then we found one of the best waterfalls that I’ve come across in the area.  It’s a wonderful private location and surprisingly easy to get to once you know it’s there.  We did a few photos around the falls


Then Melissa braved the cold water for some simply amazing shots in the flow itself.  Her willingness to endure the cold water to get shots like these is part of what makes her such a joy to work with.


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