Light Painting with Keira and Angela

During the summer days I love working in the mountains. If you’ve not experienced it, it can be hard to believe the difference a couple thousand of feet in elevation can make. The downside of that can be when shooting late or at night you can get into some cool temperatures even in the summer months, especially for the model standing around nude. But during these summer days I took advantage of the warmth and a nice isolated area I’d discovered to try my hand at some outdoor light painting. I’d started with light painting earlier this year in a couple shoots. Here I wanted to take the concept outdoors and see what I could work out. Both shoots were interesting that they had some complications and were not smooth coordinating schedules, but both worked nicely and I’m happy with the results.

First with Keira and I already shared photos from the daytime part of that shoot. Afterward we waited out the late mid-summer sunset and tried some light painting. A few nice results below:



Also had a similar experience with Angela. She and I had tried to work out a time that worked for both of us when suddenly we were able to work out a time to collaborate. I met her in Asheville and we again headed up into the mountains. The weather threatened enough that we at shifted our location to be neared the car in case the lightning that flashed around us turned into an actual storm, which it never did. I was happy with the work and felt a little better control and understanding of what I was doing this time. The shift had a nice benefit in that it located a wonderful bank I was able to pose her against including the photos below.



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