July Outdoor Shoot

A few photos from from a late July shoot.  First time I’d worked with her and quite enjoyable to work with.  We did an outdoor shoot again and we made it to a waterfall that is one of my favorite spots.  You’ve seen the location before in my shoot last fall with Melissa and Katlyn and I often shoot in the same area when not at the falls.  The falls is very dependent on water flow and this day it just wasn’t there in spite of some decent rain in the days before.

Bree Arched



Bree by the Stream

Next to the Stream


Bree Across the Bridge

Across the Bridge

A Shoot with Brynn Cook

Been a bit busy.  A downside of working in education is that mid August through Labor Day are chaos and leave little time to do anything else.  Not many shoots of late because of that as work combined with starting back on my graduate classes after a welcome summer off from being a student.  I did get the chance to catch up with processing photos from some recent shoots.  Here are a few photos from my July shoot with Brynn Cook, a wonderful model out of the Washington DC area.  We did some work with fabrics and I like the results.  As always click on an image to see the full size version.

Brynn Cook with Cloth

Brynn Cook with Cloth 2

Brynn Cook in Blue

Sometimes It Just Doesn’t Work

A recent shoot reminded me of an important lesson that sometimes a shoot concept just doesn’t work.  I would expect this occasionally with an inexperienced model or when I’m working with a new model.  In this case I was working with an experienced model that I’ve shot with many times before and always with great results.  One of the concepts that I brought to shoot just didn’t work.  The model couldn’t feel it and get into the right mindset.  We tried for a while and she did get close a few times, but in the end she just never felt it and the shots just aren’t there.

My mistake came when I kept working on the idea even after it became obvious to me that she couldn’t get her mind into the right place.  It’s true that she wanted to keep trying, but at some point I should have moved to another concept that held more promise.  The reminder comes to adapt your shoot to the situation that you’re in and not being afraid to abandon a concept that isn’t working.  You can always try it again another day or with another model.  Here we didn’t have time for one concept and if I’d moved to that and left the other concept behind I think we’d had a more successful shoot.

An Outdoor Experiment in Three Parts–Keira Grant, Hannah Perez, and Melissa Troutt

Reaching Toward Another with Melissa Troutt, Keira Grant, and Hannah PerezAfter working with Keria Grant in mid May we discussed shooting again when she came back through the area in late June.  As we finalized the date for the next shoot, I developed the idea of pairing her with another model in an outdoor setting.  I’d taken two models on an outdoor shoot before with Melissa and Katlyn last fall with wonderful results, but felt I’d been too cautious and reserved in directing the shoot and not gotten all I could have out of such great models.  I got some great images from that shoot, but always felt that I could have done more and if I’d been a bit more daring I could have gotten even better images.

Left Out with Melissa Troutt, Keira Grant, and Hannah Perez I’ve mentioned my plans to experiment more this summer and as part of that plan I began to consider adding a third model to the shoot.  I’ve worked with two models several times, but never three.  I knew that adding another model would make things more difficult, but liked the additional possibilities it would add.

After lining up Melissa Troutt for the second model I also brought in a third model that I’ve worked with before in Hannah Perez.  The biggest challenge I face getting ready for the shoot came in finding the correct location.  I wanted a scenic outdoor location, but also needed a private one so three nude models could work for several hours without being concerned about onlookers.  Several possible locations wouldn’t work due to storm damage or just not meeting my needs.  I ended up deciding to use on one of the first locations that I scouted for the shoot back in early June while on another shoot.

Escape Attempt with Melissa Troutt, Keira Grant, and Hannah PerezThe weather forecast the morning of the shoot was just a bit menacing, but the rain held off and we had an amazing shoot.  Working with three talented models turned out to be a wonderful experience and almost every photo is great.  In fact the most difficult task in editing these images came in picking the best photos out of the those taken.  I honestly can say that I’ve not found myself with a greater ratio of great photos at the end of a shoot than this one.

Overall a lot of time and energy went into getting this shoot together and it’s not something I’d do every day in spite of the enjoyment and success.  It surprised me how much mental energy it took to direct the shoot and keep things moving.  This still was one of the most enjoyable shoots that I’ve ever done and worth all the effort put into it and I think the photos speak to that.

Shoot with Melissa

Melissa on the ChairI kept busy last week with a couple shoots worked around some summer vacation.  I’ve also spent a significant bit of time the last couple weeks pursuing an interesting and unexpected opportunity.  I expect to know if that will come to pass something later this week and if so will make the next couple months very interesting.

A few days after working with Katlyn I went back to Asheville for a wonderful shoot with Melissa Troutt.  We created some very nice images with three distinct looking sets all shot with a few dozen feet of each other.  We also had an exciting moment where the ceiling fan in the room we were shooting in broke loose from its mount and only the wiring prevented it from falling down on top of us.  We were able to get it shut off and taken down without injury and while I enjoy exciting shoots, that’s a bit more excitement than I’m usually looking for.  Above is a nice image from the shoot.

Melissa ArchedThe location had an amazing bathtub that we played with doing some more glamour images in addition to the artistic styled work we normally do together.  An image I really like the to the right taken in that tub with Melissa forming a great arch with her body with the edge of the tub.

Happy July 4th to everyone and take a moment today to remember all those things it stands for.

Outdoors with Katlyn Lacoste

Katlyn Lacoste in the FallsI’m currently in the middle of a busy two week period both with shoots and general life.  Back on Tuesday I went over to Asheville for a shoot with Katlyn Lacoste.  Her being in Asheville gave me the chance to work at a location that I’d always wanted to go to, but never been able to get the logistics to work out right.  After an early start to beat the heat and crowds we headed down the Blue Ridge Parkway to our location.

It took a little longer to get there than expected thanks to roads that live up to the term mountain roads, but we arrived to find a beautiful location.  The recent rains left plenty of water to work with at and around the falls.  Before the growing crowds drove us to wrap up a bit early we got some very great work in together out there.  I really love the image above with her just at the edge of the falling water.

Katlyn Lacoste Number 20This week I also worked in a shoot with Melissa Troutt on Friday.  Our location turned out to be a nice change and we created three sets with a very different feel all shot within feet of each other.  We also were attacked by a ceiling fan, but that story will have to wait until next time.

I’m very excited about my big project for the month coming up in just a few days.  I’m bringing Melissa Troutt, Hannah Perez, and Keira Grant together for an outdoor shoot later in the week.  I’m very excited about getting the chance get these three great models together.  I’ve worked with all three before and think putting them together will produce some amazing results.

Another shoot this week too with a new model.  Expect many photos in the next few days.

Related Images:

Shoot with Xlcr Moon

XlcrMoon-25Continuing my way behind catch up of the shoots from May, I got the chance to work with model Xlcr Moon last month.  I’d not been home for long after my shoot with Keira Grant back in May when I got a message from Xlcr Moon.  She and I had talked about setting up a shoot, but the timing hadn’t looked promising until June.  Now though she was heading out for a trip a bit early and wanted to see if I could do a shoot the the next day.  Luckily I had the evening free and after a bit of texting back and forth we’d managed to set up a shoot.

We met that evening and worked together for a couple hours.  I’ve been coming back inside a bit more recently after spending a lot of the year after it warmed up outdoors.  While I do love outdoor shooting, sometimes you want to explore ideas and concentrate on an emotion or concept that really just doesn’t work outside well.  At the first of the shoot we did a set exploring the idea of sadness and loss.  After that we worked on some bodyscape images with her.  She did great work and you can see my favorite from the shoot to the right.

More images from the shoot with Xlcr Moon are also now up on Uncovered Visions.

Seeing with New Eyes and Shooting with Keira

CharlieK-2One of the most enjoyable parts of meeting and working with new models is getting to experience the familiar through new eyes.  My shoot on Wednesday with Keira Grant offered an example of that.  I’ve been shooting outdoor nudes pretty often for over a year now and maybe have gotten just a bit used to the scenery.  It struck me though how much Keria kept commenting on how beautiful and green things were while we were driving and shooting.  This is probably the best time to see that beautiful green since it’s been warm enough for the foliage to be out in force, but we are not yet into the main part of summer where the heat and lesser rain  brings brown back to the land.  It’s this time of year that pulled me out there to shoot, but I see it so often that it helps me appreciate it more with someone seeing some of these places for the first time.

I worked with Keira near the same location Melissa and I worked at a few days before.  Contradicting my last post, the morning weather was not as warm as I expected so Keira and I did some indoor work first hoping the weather would improve.  The dreariness and chill lingered though and in fact would not go away at all Wednesday.  Still in spite of the weather it could have been worse (like the day before when it was cooler and raining) When we arrived the rise in water levels since Saturday shocked me.  The previous few days had seen a lot of rain and I expected some rise, but the amount caught me by surprise.  In fact water covered the majority of the spots that Melissa had posed on or I had stood on during that shoot and the current was dangerously strong in many places I had waded with no concerns just a few days before.  I’ve mentioned before how I enjoy the way the woods subtly change over time, but change this dramatic in such a short time felt out of place and a bit jarring.

Even with many of the locations I’d planned to shoot not usable because of the water rise, we found a great spot brought about by that same change as these things often balance out.  Overall we produced some great work, a few of which can be seen here and I look forward to the next time I’m able to work with Keira.

No images from shoot with either Melissa or Keira ready to post so the photo above comes from a shoot with Charlie Kristine from earlier in the month.

Outdoors with Melissa and the Butterflies

In the middle of a busy week, but so much to blog about.  Adding to everything else I’ve been a bit under weather and spent much of late last week through early this week finishing the Rural Nudes site launch.

In a really busy stretch of shooting at the moment after a relatively quiet April caused by weather and cancelations.  Saturday I had the chance to work with Melissa Troutt again.  I always enjoy the chance to collaborate with her and every shoot always produces amazing results and this one was no exception.  We went to a new location for this shoot and it worked better than I’d hoped.  This location was off the path of the damage from the storms late last month, but I was surprised at how many signs of the storms were still visible.  We still found some good locations to shoot and images will be up on Rural Nudes in the near future.

As we went back to the car at the end of the shoot we came across an interesting display of dozens of butterflies gathering in groups next to where I’d parked.  They were surprisingly accommodating and posed for a few images before we left the area.  The image above shows one kaleidoscope (and yes that is a term for a group of butterflies and yes I did have to look it up) and the photo to the left of Melissa taking a picture shows how close they let us approach without flying off.

The timing was good as the temperature dropped dramatically the day after this shoot.  Fortunately for my shoot today with Keira Grant more normal weather returns in time for us to to go outdoors today.

Back into the Woods

Kimberly-Marvel-17I always enjoy meeting and working with new models, but I especially enjoy when I get the chance to work with a model again that I enjoyed working with before.  Kimberly Marvel is a wonderful model out of California I’ve had a chance to work with a couple times in the past.  She and her husband were travelling through on their way across the country which worked great as it gave us a lookout to use while shooting so we could travel to one of my favorite locations, but one that this time of year sometimes can have a bit too much foot traffic to shoot nudes.

We met just off the Interstate and drove out to the location to find no cars parked, but oddly when we arrived at our first stop, a waterfall, a couple was already there.  We waited a few minutes until they had left and then with our lookout posted worked for about a half hour at the falls before moving on to other locations.  I explored a trail that I hadn’t worked on before, though I’d hiked about a year ago, and located some good spots there we could work with.  Overall I had a great shoot.

Been busy of late on a new project.  If all goes well then it will be live in a couple days.  Stay tuned for the announcement. (Update – now live Rural Nudes)